Friday, August 29, 2008

Cord Douglass

This is for you Linds!

He's here! Cord Douglass Cooley
August 15, 2008
7:34 pm (after a very short 5.5 hours of labor! Yeah!)
8 lbs 10.4 oz
19 1/2 inches

We are so excited!and so are his sisters, except when they aren't getting enough attention or acting naughty....

Here's pictures of the girls being spoiled by Oma! (m&m's before bed, Oma?)

Monday, January 28, 2008

For City Girl....from country girl

I know it is hard to believe (I was going to say swallow there, but then thought that might just be gross...)! But yep, it is all true, every single word and I have many more stories too! Like the alligator in the blood pond and the rat stomping that we used to do! Oh, yeah, that's what a country girl does!

OK, Shannon, so you feel a little better...most cattle men and farmers that I know normally would not kill a cow when it was pregnant. This particular cattleman just happened to be, well, not that considerate! AND think of the bright side...we saved ole Pete! What a good cow!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My mom; my hero!

Reading Lindsays blogs makes me think of the Good Ole Days when I was growing up.
The following story is not for everyone. I warn you that there is graphic content.

When I was growing up, my Grandpa Bud owned Follett's Meat Co. just north of Hermiston. Both of my parents worked there when my brothers' and I were little, so we spent all of our days at "the plant" doing the things that butchers kids do; playing in the guts, taking naps under the wrapping table, practicing our butchering skills (when allowed to) and racing to see who could get the eyeballs out of the skull the fastest! Yep, it's true, that's what we did (and much more...)

Anyway, one day a farmer brought in a mama cow. She was pregnant and the farmer told my grandpa that if the calf came through the "kill" and survived that us grandkids could keep the calf. So, my mom, who worked on the "killfloor" with my grandpa was determined to get us kids a calf. The "kill" took place and my mom and my grandpa raced through the procedure to get the calf out in time. From the time they shot the cow to the time they got the calf out, several minutes had passed and the calf was not breathing. BUT, it had a heart beat. All of us kids stood around, blankies in hands, chewing our nails, wide-eyed waiting to see if our calf made it through. My poor mom felt horrible, so with some hope that it might survive, she started CPR. Yep, you got it, CPR on a calf! and wouldn't you know it that darned calf lived! We kept him in our utility room for way too long, but boy is that a fun memory!

My mom is my hero! For many more reasons than just that one!

Friday, January 11, 2008

7 weeks, 2 days

Thank you to everyone who has been so encouraging and prayerful. I appreciate all of the prayers. Sometimes that is just the medicine our bodies need, isn't it?

Well, here are a few updates:
1. I received a message from the nurse yesterday that my Progesterone level is going up and they are very encouraged by that movement! Yeah! Praise God! I am so excited!

2. I had my first real case of morning sickness this morning, mid-morning! Going about my business after breakfast feeling like I could tackle some projects that I have been putting off and BAM! It hit me, complete exhaustion, felt like I had a truck full of muck dumped right over the top of me; hard to move, hard to talk, hard to keep my eyes open...then, after laying down for about an hour, BAM! nausea struck! Right before lunch, of course, so fixing lunch for the girls was not the easiest thing to do, but you know what I say to all of that...BRING IT ON! Being sick and tired is a Great sign of pregnancy, so even though my body is not having fun, my heart is jumping for joy! Praise God!

3. I am taking a couple days to ween Cozette. The first bottle we gave her did not go down so well, but since then she has been a trooper! Yeah! So, I am feeling a little better in that department. A couple more days and she should be a formula baby for good!

So, thank you all again for taking time to encourage and prayer for us! By the way, I am pretty sure this is a girl! (But, I thought Cozette was going to be a boy, so who knows!) If this one turns out to be a boy...I will be TOTALLY surprised!

7 weeks, 2 days! Yes!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Today, I write this post for me! Because I need to get this; all of these thoughts out of my head. I feel flooded; with emotion, with decisions, with circumstances that I really have no control over, with memories, with research...

December for the past 5 years has been a very difficult month for me. Cory and I lost our first child, Colten David Cooley, on December 24, 2002. He was born prematurely, just a couple days shy of 24 weeks gestation. He was 7 oz, 8 inches. He survived for 45 minutes, all of which he was cradled in mine or Cory's arms. He was amazing, he was perfect, he was a true blessing and miracle from God. We don't understand everything about what happened or why it happened but we know that he is safe with the Lord, learning how to praise God with the Angels. The thoughts and memories of that day and that time in our life are hard, but at the same time so many wonderful things happened to us during that time that we have to praise God for having His Hand in EVERYTHING!

Since that time Cory and I have:
had Cadence in 2004,
followed by 2 miscarriages 05 and 06,
a surgery in 06 to remove endometriosis and a tumor
then healthy pregnancy and delivery of Cozette in 07,
and are expecting again in Aug 08...

Last week I found out that my body is not producing enough Progesterone (a hormone needed to sustain the pregnancy). The doctor has put me on a prescription for Progesterone and that should help sustain the pregnancy. I am very excited that we even have this option to work with and that we will possibly save the pregnancy and not miscarry!

I guess I thought we were in the clear after the surgery and having such a great pregnancy with Cozette and now to hear that we might run into complications...I am pretty baffled! I am having so many worries and "memories" flood me that I feel pretty overwhelmed...

Also, today I just found out that because I am taking the Progesterone I will have to stop nursing! I know that I did good to make it to 9 months, but my goal was a year so I feel a little defeated! To some nursing isn't that big of a deal, but I really do enjoy it and I think there are so many benefits of nursing, However, I do not want put Cozette at risk by nursing her while I am on this medication! Then there is a part of me that thinks that I might end up miscarrying anyway, so maybe I shouldn't take the medicine so that I can keep nursing. I AM NOT GOING TO DO THAT! and I feel very badly for thinking and feeling that way, but I do unfortunately....

Here comes my real selfishness: I want to get pregnant and have babies and have a family. Simple. Not complicated. No Problems. No disappointments. No regrets! But I feel like we get complications, problems, disappointments and regrets over and over and over again.

I feel like the lady in Steel Magnolias when she is in the graveyard after burying her daughter...put together with a plan and determined one second and falling apart and desperate the next second!

I feel all of the above and then I feel calmness and a sureness that God is in control. That He has a plan! and I don't know it, I might never know it, and I guess I don't need to, but right now... I WANT TO KNOW! I want to know why my babies don't survive! Why does my body fail me? Why? Why? Why?

God, You are my refuge and strength! I know your burden is light, take this from me! Let your will be my will! Help me to not be selfish, help me to be strong, to be an example for others, to be your servant, ready to do your will!

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Yep! I am still here! I am horrible at this blogging thing! I don't know how the rest of you do it! I don't have time, energy or that many things to say, but I do enjoy reading all of the things you all post! So, thank you!

Anyway, like I said I normally don't have a lot to say, but I do today....are you all ready...waiting on the edge of your seat, biting your nails, thinking come on already I can't handle waiting any longer, just "TELL ME YOUR SURPRISE, WILL YA!"....

Well, here's the poem Cory and I wrote for our parents Christmas Card"
Cadence and Cozette
have been lonely without
Another baby
to run about!
Tho't it time to
stand and say
Number 3
is on it's way!

Yep! That's right! We're expecting! Didn't plan it, weren't really looking for it, etc...but it's coming and there is nothing we can do and we are TOTALLY STOKED! It is so exciting! There was no waiting, no counting the days, no worrying, just boom-you're pregnant! I love that!

Well, that's our news! I am not sure how many of you will even get the news from here since I haven't been here in so long, but anyway, it's out!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! See you all soon!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wanted to share...

I was reading/having a devotion yesterday morning and I came across something that Beth Moore said that I thought was so profound...

So I read Luke 4:14-21 (you can read it too if you want) It basically describes all the different calls to Jesus' preach good news to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.

So then the author breaks it down and discusses each of those "calls". She writes this about preaching to the poor.

1) "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor" (Luke 4:18). Christ didn't mean the financially destitute. The Greek word for "poor" is ptochos, indicating "utter helplessness, complete destitution, afflicted, distressed." I think God is far too faithful to let anyone make it through life without confronting seasons of utter helplessness. Sooner or later, any healthy individual discovers that autonomy doesn't cut it. Like beggars we go from person to person with our empty cup, crying, "Can't you add anything to my life?" They might throw in a coin or two. But when we shake the cup, the tinny echo reminds us how empty we remain. (this next line is what really got me...) UNTIL WE ALLOW JESUS TO FILL OUR CUPS DAILY, WE SIMPLY SUBSIST. Sooner or later, God will make sure we confront the poverty of living on the alms of others so that we may learn to FEAST ON HIM!

As silly as this may be I have never considered myself poor. Everytime I have ever read about "the poor" in the bible I have thought of other people, the "poor" people, not myself. Isn't that weird? But when you look at the true definition of poor it isn't monetary. And in that case, yes, I am going through a season of my life where I am "poor". I don't know why because everything around me is SO good. My family, my girls, my house, my car, my is all fantastic, but there is something in my life that is destitute. So I guess this is where I need to allow Jesus to fill my cup daily and feast on Him.

I am doing A TON better than I was 2 months ago! Praise God! But, I feel like it is something I am climbing out of, so I will continue to seek Him!

I hope everyone has a blessed day!